How might schools use Advanced Independent Curriculum™? Here are three potential use cases:
AMPLIFY Your MissionFor more than 80 years, SchoolX's mission focused on educating students to give back to their communities. In recent years, however, that focus has fallen away in eleventh and twelfth grades as the most challenging courses leave little room for deviation from standardized curriculum. By shifting to the Advanced Independent Curriculum™ model, SchoolX can retool its higher-level courses to include authentic community engagement, like environmental testing in local wetlands, interviewing alumni and community members, examining how the school’s investment policy can ameliorate the impact of systemic inequity, and creating a presentation linking economic theory, local laws, demographics, statistics, and oral histories, all bringing the school’s values into sharp focus and creating transformational student experiences.
ARTICULATE RigorSchoolY competes with an excellent local school district. They’re interested in engaging with Advanced Independent Curriculum™ because they want to be able to articulate what makes their program rigorous without defaulting to the scores and percentiles that can flatten the student experience. With Advanced Independent Curriculum™, SchoolY can develop a clear description of their most challenging courses, foregrounding independent research and learner-driven classrooms. With a cohesive and unified vision of advanced coursework, the unique rigor of a SchoolY education becomes clear to faculty, students, families, and applicants.
BROADEN AssessmentIn recent years, students at SchoolZ are documenting increasingly diverse learning profiles, and faculty have expanded their assessment styles and strategies to embrace a wide range of learning modalities. The school’s most challenging courses, however, uniformly culminate in standardized summative assessments--the kind of assessments that favor a singular set of skills. By engaging in Advanced Independent Curriculum™, faculty at SchoolZ can develop challenging courses that focus on the same material but provide a wide range of assessment opportunities to demonstrate mastery.